Monday 18 August 2008

Skip SQL Statement when user does not have permission or linked server missing

Had an interesting problem with a stored procedure that checked replication history. This SP included a local and remote server using linked server. Occasionally the link would drop, and also whenever replication was rebuilt the user would forget to set up the permissions to the re-generated distribution database. Either of these situations throw errors in the SQL, so that it doesn't complete. To save redoing the existing reports, I needed a solution whereby the remote sql is skipped if it doesn't work. The solution seemed to be to use TRY..CATCH, however there is an issue with this. TRY..CATCH does not work with errors produced over a linked server. After some head scratching it was found that this could be overcome using EXEC sp_executesql. Since the SQL will not be in a plan (it is, afterall, on a different server) then there is no performance issue here either. So, the SQL read along the lines of :

SET @sqlstmt = 'SELECT xxx FROM remoteserver.database.dbo.yyy'
EXEC sp_executesql
--ignore error from remote system

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