Tuesday 14 October 2008

TFS Event Subscription

Finally got round to looking into this. Firstly, the next iteration of the 2008 Power Tools will introduce a nicer interface for the maintenance of event subscriptions. However, that is not due quite yet so in the meantime there are two tools to fill the gap.

The TfsAlert tool provides a system tray app that balloon tips whenever events change. It monitors 8 different events, and allows filtering. The interface for filtering is to edit the config file, so knowledge of syntax is required. However, that syntax can be built by the next tool.

The second tool is TFS Event Subscription and is a GUI builder for event subscription strings. This allows you to subscribe to a particular event and get a message sent by SOAP, PlainText or EmailHTML. This is a standard feature of TFS, however this interface can be run on a client and is a great deal easier to use compared to command line.

Lastly, this blog provides details on how to amend the emails sent by TFS to point to the TFS Web Access for the work item, rather than a summary report.

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