Thursday 17 December 2009

TFS merge filename collision error

The scenario is that I have a "Main" repository, this is branched to the "development" tree. Amendments are applied to the "development" tree, and when released this is merged back to the "main" repository. It was this merge back/check in that was giving the error. Seeing as there had been no changes to filenames and locations (there were some new files though), the collision error is a little strange.

Anyhow, to sort this out I force got latest for the "main" repository, overwriting all the files. Then I merged the "development" tree back, and check in pending changes then worked with no error. All via the GUI.

There are a number of non-gui based solutions by performing a baseless merge. I'm not sure of the side-effects of doing this, the solution described above seems to retain all history as expected.

Look here for details on a baseless merge.

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